March 20, 2012

Turkish Doctors Extend a Helping Hand to Somalia

Kimse Yok Mu

Doctors from Balikesir province, which is in Western part of Turkey, are planning to go to Somali and provide medical service to Somali people. The group of doctors consisting of one surgeon and four family doctors, is planning to spend 17 day in Mogadishu, the capital of Somalia. The doctors are going to provide routine care and surgery for Somalis.

This project is initiated by Kimse Yok Mu, the organization which is a part of transnational civil society network called the Gulen Movement, and The Turkish International Cooperation and Development Agency (TIKA), Balikesir Health Volunteers Union (BALSADER) and Aegean International Health Federation (ESADEF).

Published [in Turkish] on Kimse Yok Mu, 07 March 2012, Wednesday
English version:, 16 March 2012, Friday

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