June 1, 2014

GYV President Yeşil: Believers should endure Divine ordeals like Blessed Mary

Journalists and Writers Foundation (GYV) President Mustafa Yeşil delivered a speech at the international panel titled "The Blessed Mary’s Patience in the Holy Qur’an and the Holy Bible," held in İzmir. "Just as Blessed Mary did, believers should endure severe divine ordeals until God's help comes," Yeşil said.

The panel was jointly held by the Journalists and Writers Foundation's (GYV) Intercultural Dialogue Platform (KADİP), the Tevere Institute, between May 13-14, 2014.

20 speakers and about 400 people from 20 countries attended the panel at which the opening speech was given by GYV President Yeşil. Noting that people may occasionally face pressures in their lives and they may even face groundless libels and defamation, Yeşil indicated that in such cases, believers should persevere until the coming of God's help.

KADİP President Mert: "Silence is the best response in the face of unfounded allegations"

KADİP President Professor Muhit Mert delivered a greeting speech at the panel. "Sometimes, it may not be possible for people to defend themselves in the face of unfounded charges or slanderous accusations hurled at them. In such cases, the best policy may be to keep silent than to speak out," he said, adding that Blessed Mary's life offers lessons for everyone in this context.

Following the speeches, the İzmir Intercultural Dialogue Center's (İZDİM) Intercultural Dialogue Chorus gave a mini concert consisting of hymns and compositions from diverse religions and cultures. After the concert highly acclaimed by participants, the panel's sessions started.

During the panel, it was noted that the Holy Qur'an and the New Testament frequently referred to the noble origins of Blessed Mary and her virtues. It was underlined that she was the only woman whose name was mentioned for 34 times in the Holy Qur'an and the 19 times in the New Testament. Furthermore, Blessed Mary's life can be taken as a model in overcoming numerous spiritual and material problems of our time. A concluding statement was released at the end of the panel.

Published on KADIP Platform, 14 May 2014, Wednesday
