February 3, 2014

What did you do, if Hizmet did everything?

Nuh Gönültaş, Bugün

To cover up claims of corruption, Turkey has taken a position in the middle of a triangle between the Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK), the Kurdistan Communities Union (KCK) and Ergenekon.

Turkey has been moved to this position at the cost of stepping back from all the good things that have been done so far. Many people are saying the same thing these days, “We did not do anything; the parallel state did everything.” Journalist Rasim Ozan Kütahyalı, a mouthpiece of the government, appeared on an Ulusal TV program the other day and said it was “the Hizmet movement that did everything.” If that is the case, then you should answer this question: If it was Hizmet or the parallel state that did everything, then what were you doing in the meantime? Let me put it more clearly. If what you are saying is correct, then what did you do while the Hizmet movement fought against the Ergenekon and Balyoz coup plots, strived to foil coup attempts and worked to prevent assassinations?

Published on Today's Zaman, 03 February 2014, Monday