December 4, 2013

Turkish community in Miami extends a hand to Haiti

Volunteers of Istanbul Cultural Center in Miami, Florida, recently made donations of staple food and meat for a large number of needy Haitians.

Accompanied by Miami Representative Daphne Campbell, the Turkish volunteers in person distributed the aid donations to some 500 Haitians one by one. Later in the day, at a following event at Little Haiti Cultural Center, Rep. Campbell hailed Istanbul Center’s aid activities. Referring to its volunteers as “my friends” to introduce them to the attendees, the Campbell also expressed his specials thanks for the hospital and schools earlier founded by Turkish entrepreneurs. Next at the event, the attendees sent out prayers in English, French and Turkish.

Likewise, Haitian police department official and several other charity institutions alike, in attendance of the event, expressed their pleasure with the aid initiative.

Istanbul Cultural Center’s officials, on the other hand, said, “We feel lucky to be able to extend a hand to those in need. We are enjoying the peace of being the giving hand. We will continue our aid for the Haitians within bounds of our resources.”

Published [in Turkish] on Zaman Amerika, 23 November 2013, Saturday